The goal of the Sexual Harassment Training Institute is to help you prevent all occurrences of sexual harassment in your workplace.
In our Sexual Harassment Prevention and Awareness training seminars your employees will learn what constitutes violations of your company's standards and policies and the EEOC laws that govern sexual harassment. Our interactive training seminars will assure you that all of your employees know and understand the simple standards concerning violations of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Your employees will receive a Pre-Test and Post Test of their understanding of what is improper behavior. This test can also become a permanent part of their personnel file. This will assure you that your employees both comprehend the law and your company's sexual harassment policy. This sexual harassment prevention seminar is a major step in your company's commitment to stopping incidences of sexual harassment in your workplace.
A Course Certificate provided by email on completion (no delay)
# of Training Seats | Pricing Per Seat |
2-9 | $32.95 |
10-20 | $29.95 |
21-30 | $24.95 |
31-40 | $20.95 |
41-50 | $15.95 |
50+ | Contact us! |
Answer: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Answer: What is my company's sexual harassment policy? What is sexual harassment law? What are some sexual harassment statistics? Do my employees truly understand the legal definition of sexual harassment? Am I taking seriously my obligation as an employer to protect my employees from hostile workplace events? How much money would my company be willing to pay to settle a sexual harassment law suit? Do I really know how to prevent sexual harassment from happening?
Answer: We offer corporate sexual harassment training classes where organizations can purchase discounted packages. Each participant can be monitored by your management team or human resources professionals. In the online program, attendees work in their individual sexual harassment course at their own pace. Total real time to complete the course is approximately 2-hours, but participants can log in and out as needed to address other tasks.